Hey! I am Eeli, better known as Thnked in the world of internet. I am an 20 year old DJ & Producer from Finland. I’ve been producing music for about 7 years now and I have already reached a lot of goals that I am proud of, Including official releases on labels, DJ support from my Idols and a fan base.
In my childhood I never had a passion for music nor did I ever really care about it that much. However I come from a quite musical family, my sister singing and relatives doing a bit of everything. I always hated my sister’s singing and I would always tell her to shut her mouth, but I’m glad she never did thinking back on it.
I got my first guitar when I was 12 and I was super excited to start to play tracks by Metallica & other bands on the game Rocksmith 2014 as I had listened to rock music pretty much for my whole life then. I got okay at the guitar and to this day it’s been super beneficial being able to record bits of it by myself.
There was this one summer when me and my best friend discovered the software Magix Music Maker and we decided to compete who makes the best song. Well he won, but that was my first times using an DAW. It wasn’t long until I found out about FL Studio Demo and we once again decided to challenge each other. I don’t remember who won, but that is when my passion for music started to unfold however I still was not hooked.
Around this time my family got our first dog who I named after the movie Brother Bear and gave him the name “Koda”. He became a super significant part of my life. If I had a bad day he would sense it and come near me. I would also sometimes for hours just sit and give scratches to him or just in general hang out with him. He was a super unique dog and super well behaved except when he got excited. He unfortunately had to be put down due to him getting paralyzed for an unknown reason. It was one of the roughest time I’ve ever had and I’ll never be able to forget it.
I had played sports for my whole life pretty much since the age of 4 and it had always been my passion. That changed after I injured my knees which would make it difficult for me to enjoy the sport again as it really slowed down my progress and put me behind the others. I felt like all the hard work was just gone and I was laughed at for my silly mistakes. That’s when music started to become the thing I wanted to put all my effort in to.
I eventually dropped sports and started to produce music more consistently. I had been doing it for 2 years at the time as more of a hobby, but I felt like it was time to give it my all and really learn. I was super hungry for knowledge so I would literally watch tons of tutorials online, join online communities to get feedback & opportunities and so on. This is when I started to use Koda as my logo and later on in 2023 in my mask. I still wanted him to be a part of my journey.
Everything about how I viewed music changed even when I was listening to it. Instead of listening to it normally and enjoying it, I would first have to study the arrangement and sound selection of the song and analyze how every element was placed in the mix. I just became super obsessed with producing music and the world pretty much became my library.
In 2020 everything once again changed. I got sent an ID by Ralph Halkett, which eventually turned in to Beautiful Life. I wasn’t too keen on the idea at the start, but I eventually started to hear the potential and I’m glad I did, because we got it heard by Don Diablo on his livestream who liked it and to top everything off Jay Hardway decided to play it in his Radio show! We were super stoked. Besides just being collaborative partners, we became super good friends.
Through Ralph I met a very influential person who would eventually deepen my passion even more and most importantly be the reason to who I am today. Through them I learnt to connect emotionally with my music and discover a new side of myself.
2021 was not my best year as I was struggling with my mental health. That’s when I started to post remixes on my Youtube channel regularly. It was an way for me to cope with anything what was going on and put my feelings in to them. I started to build a fan base through out this journey which was super exciting to me. In February I finally released Beautiful Life together with Ralph Halkett. I was beyond excited as it was my first release. Not too long from this I got my first record deal with Future House Cloud(FHC)! At the time I was happy for the achievement, but my mental health took it’s toll on me again. The song eventually got released on the 3rd of August and it is better known as You And I. Once again I was soooo happy as it had been a goal of mine and In general I just loved that song. Things started to get better around this time and I yet again signed with the same label and self released Forever on the 19th of November and eventually releasing On My Own with FHC on the 14th of December. I ended the year with a whopping 23 500 streams on Spotify and over an 1 000 000 views on Youtube! I was super proud of myself and I am super grateful for my supporters who came and commented on my videos consistently because without them I probably wouldn’t be where I am today.
To this day I’ve gathered a total of +4 500 000 views on Youtube, +20 000 followers across the platforms and I’ve done a ton of different stuff including remakes and ghost productions to further support my career